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SCMP | Problems parents face and how to solve the language question for ethnic minority pupils in HK


  • The Ombudsman hits out at the EDB for not doing enough to push schools and teachers to use various services on offer, urges it to review support measures to help more non-Chinese-speaking pupils integrate.

  • Kindergartens should provide application forms and other information in both Chinese and English.

  • Only 24 teachers completed training programmes to teach Chinese to NCS students (talking about the professional enhancement grant scheme was launched in the 2014-15 school year).

  • Even NCS students born and raised in Hong Kong, many would only be as proficient in Chinese as a Primary Two pupil when they graduated from Secondary Six

  • The Ombudsman urged the bureau to review the funding mechanism and consider raising subsidies for primary and secondary schools that had fewer than 10 non-Chinese-speaking pupils

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A network of support and practical resources for families with children learning Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) as an additional language in Hong Kong.

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