Page: ES46 xviii
Given the low educational attainment of SAs, the proportions of young people in some ethnic groups entering post- secondary programmes were quite low. Having lower language proficiency was one of the factors that hindered their employability and community integration In terms of language abilities, SAs were generally more proficient in English than in Chinese, while their proficiency in reading and writing Chinese were lower than that in conversing. SA children were more adept at English and Chinese than their adults. Besides, economically inactive non-school-attending SAs were less proficient in Chinese and English than employed SAs in general. This indicates that proficiency in Chinese and English might be one of the factors affecting their employability.
Page: 83-88 Education Support
“Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework” (“Learning Framework”)
Chinese Language Curriculum
Enhanced Funding Support to Schools
Teacher Professional Development and School-based Professional Support
After-school Support
Summer Bridging Programmes
Promotion of Early Integration