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HKFP | Chinese language requirement a barrier to Med School applicants from EM groups

Writer's picture: CALHKCALHK

“I feel the whole education system is built to disadvantage us because we have Chinese as a second language,” second-year medical student Nandini Dulani said. “We are disadvantaged from the beginning.”

A look at the DIMPLE Fund an initiative which aims to encourage more non-Chinese students to apply for medical school.

The Chinese language requirement creates a hurdle for many students from NCS families but two doctors from EM groups, show that it can be done.

This article includes some interesting statistics about the HKDSE Chinese paper:

In 2021-2022, only 100 ‘NCS’ (non-Chinese speaking) students took the HKDSE Chinese paper. That's 100 students out of a cohort of around 1400. Of these 100 students only 20 gained Level 3 or above – the mark generally accepted for university admissions.

20/1400 = The Chinese exam system is not suitable for the needs of ‘NCS’ students in Hong Kong.

*We use the term ‘NCS’ in this case, as this is how the HKSARG categories students who are not native Chinese speakers. In fact, many of these young people speak Chinese to a very high level.

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A network of support and practical resources for families with children learning Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) as an additional language in Hong Kong.

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