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Bilingualism: Language and Culture: An investigation of cognitive & metalinguistic correlates of...


The same or different: An investigation of cognitive and metalinguistic correlates of Chinese word reading for native and non-native Chinese speaking children.

Research paper by HK Research team of Yanling Zhou and Catherine MCBride

Page 774: "Vocabulary knowledge was a key correlate of Chinese word reading...vocabulary knowledge longitudinally predicted children's subsequent reading skills 5 years later... It is therefore essential for L2 Chinese learners to develop their oral language skills prior and at the same time as they develop reading skills".

Page 776: "Our findings of the high associations of vocabulary knowledge, tone awareness, visual and Chinese orthographic skills with word reading maybe be helpful in considering how to teach Chinese who are learning to speak and read Chinese as a second language."



A network of support and practical resources for families with children learning Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) as an additional language in Hong Kong.

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